Pashupatinath – the oldest hindu temple

A long long ago (thousands of years), In Kathmandu valley, animal husbandry was common specially cows – by the followers of lord Krishna.  The cowboys (Gothalo) used to take their cows to feed them in the grass fields. Days were passing as usual. One of the cowboys noticed that a cow is refusing to offer her milk in the evening. He amazed at first. Days gone by and the same thing was happening every day. He shared that with is fellow cowboys and they decided to follow the cow. They did for couple of days and found a stunning truth.  What they saw at first, was unbelievable.  They found that the cow was offering her milk behind some shrubs by herself. That’s why she was refusing to the owner. It was a mystery not only to the owner but also for the whole village. So the villagers starting exploring the area, they dug the ground.  Finally they found the ‘Shiva Linga’ the symbol of Lord Shiva. And they named the place as Pashupatinath – Lord of Animals. Since then the people got the blessing of lord shiva – God of gods, and everything went well. And still Pashupatinath is the greatest Hindu pilgrimage.

I can’t imagine how it looked at that time but I live near Pashupatinath temple – about 15 walk from my place. This Saturday morning, I was there. I tried to capture the current view of pashupatinath temple and its surroundings. And glad to share with all the bloggers out there.

Thank you for being with me.