Keyword Research Checklist

Keyword Research Checklist
Keyword Research Checklist

Most keyword research guides on the internet today involve redundant information that are difficult for beginners to follow and doesn’t contribute much. As a content creator, it is important that high-volume keywords are chosen while considering the level of competition, relevance and quality of the content than the top-ranking website. Keyword research is complex process so it requires high level of dedication and patience to get benefited in long run. To help every beginner content creators, we have collected an easy and straightforward checklist for basic keyword research.

Keyword Discovery

  • Prepare ‘seed’ keywords: Seed keywords are the top 5 search phrases that explain what your website is all about.
  • Use keyword tool (free or paid): Keyword tools are software programs or websites that help you understand a value of keyword.
  • Analyze competitor’s keywords: Competitor analysis shows what keywords competitors are targeting and helps you discover the new phrases associated with your content.

Keyword Analysis

  • Check the keyword’s relevance: Please note that your content will only rank if it meets the searcher’s needs.
  • SERP competition: It is important to know if websites with high domain authority rank high for targeted keywords. If so, re-consider using such keywords in your website.
  • Search volume: A high-volume keyword may be worth using, even if competition is high. There is no point in targeting keywords with very low search volume.

Keyword Targeting

  • Websites title: Your primary keyword must be on your home page’s title. You can include more than one keyword in the website title.
  • Header tags: Use long-tail keywords in your content, particularly in the header tags. Also consider the keyword density. Keyword density tool may help in this case.
  • URLs: URL of your content  should contain the targeted keywords.
  • Images with alt-text: Images in your content can appear in Google’s image SERPs if their alt-texts contain the relevant keyword.
  • Meta Description: Search engines display the text in bold when keywords appear in the meta description that attracts the searcher.

With Keyword discovery, keyword analysis and keyword targeting,  your content will definitely perform better in search engines. This keyword research checklist is prepared by exploring various relevant resources to help everyone struggling to achieve best search engine ranking.

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